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I�d been noticing these funny little stickers with the classic (grEy)alien head with a bar through it. I didn�t know what they were about, but they sure did look cute. I finally found their source while looking through a copy of Factsheet 5 in the form of an add - there�s a version @ the bottom of this page. I sent off and received some free stickers & documentation from a man who calls himself V2. I then sent off for a mail interview and what follows is the results.
Pig: Where did your name V2 come from?
V2: The meaning of V2 can be taken many ways. Some speculate it has something to do with the science fiction series called "V", wherein seemingly harmless aliens arrive on Earth and quickly begin a dictatorship that threatens to take over the world. Others have inquired about a connection to the V2 rocket bomb of World War II fame. (The ominous retaliatory weapon known as V2 later helped launch us into space- a more positive application of its power.) Still others say V2 is the second round of Churchill's victory flash or inspired by the French Resistance movement rounded by Boris Vilde (which was armed with stickers and flyers against Nazi oppression). We welcome all these interpretations as each has its own relevance to the cause.
Pig: What gave you the idea for the stickers?
V2: Divine inspiration
Pig: What are the stickers main purpose?
V2: The emblem on the sticker is meant to invoke and provoke; to challenge the viewer to consider and discern the so-called alien phenomenon which is saturating our world. We call on all people of Earth to carefully examine the behaviour of the entities interacting with us. Rather than demonstrating a mutually beneficial agenda, the Grays and their associates are proving themselves to be a self-serving species arrogant non-compassionate race of creatures.
Pig: Where do you suggest the stickers be stuck?
V2: Everywhere.
Pig: When did you first start distributing the stickers?
V2: The first stickers rolled off the presses in 1995.
Pig: How many requests do you get for the stickers? And where from?
V2: Thousands of letters have come from all over the world. We've sent literally millions of stickers to every continent (except Antarctica).
Pig: Have you had any interesting feedback?
V2: In each day's mail comes interesting feedback.
Pig: What other products do you have? And are there any more on the way?
V2: We constantly print small stickers to give away. Because of many requests, we've also printed several types of large stickers as well as T-shirts. Sales of these additional items help offset the expense of printing the free stickers. Marketing is not our primary goal and we are self-funded, thus that's about all we can handle right now.
Pig: What do your friends and family think?
V2: They don't know.
Pig: How long have you been interested in alien abductions?
V2: With all due respect toward and compassion for abductees, I am more interested in truth and righteousness. The abduction phenomenon reflects deception and manipulation of monumental
and unacceptable proportions.
Pig: Do you personally know of anyone that�s been abducted? If so, what happened?
V2: Yes. They were taken against their will, raped, tortured,
implanted and abused.
Pig: Do you get many abductees writing to you?
V2: Yes. We offer research materials from highly respected investigators of alien resistance to help empower them. Alien abductions can be averted. Strength of spirit and righteous anger are the
Pig: What are your theories on the aliens being here?
V2: Theses entities have entered into our world because they have been allowed to do so. Though they seek to harvest from us something that we have and they covet, humanity has the strength and resilience to turn this attempted exploitation into an enormous evolutionary step for the human soul.
Pig: Is the US government in alliance with the alien charlatans? If so what do you think their relationship is?
V2: It appears to be a relationship based on fear.
Pig: What do you think of the theory that the US government is trading technology for human fodder?
V2: These actions seem more the result of a broken treaty, of sorts.
Pig: Are these the same aliens who are cutting up cows?
V2: Apparently, yes.
Pig: Are the greys the only bad aliens or are the other known groups evil as well?
V2: The Grays appear to be in servitude to an even greater sinister force.
Pig: What other ways can we fight the alien scum?
V2: First, do not buy into the cultural adulation of the alien face. Salvation from above will not come in the form of a Gray. Do not embrace these invaders as saviours. Also, know that humanity has the ability to stand up to these entities and not fall prey to their attempts at control. Believe in the strength of your soul and call on the source of Good for protection. This is an invisible, yet very real, defence.
Pig: Is your main source of spreading the word through the small press or have you had interest from the mainstream media as well?
V2: S.T.W. is an underground grass roots movement of the people. The small press has generously embraced the Resistance as its own, for which we are deeply grateful. Perhaps, as is often the case, the mainstream will eventually investigate the source of this growing campaign of anonymous voices.
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