about pigmeat
australian zines

Australia + New Zealand
Zine & Comic Contacts

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a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

[zine & comic distrobution services]



A Show of Hands - Michelle, PO Box 376, Stepney, SA 5069
Advice From a Caterpillar - PO Box 304, Blackburn, Vic 3130
Agitational Gravel - Kylie Brown, 108 Victoria Rd. Lilydale, Vic 3140
Ample Boots - 378 Canning Street, Carlton, Vic 3054
Anarchy + Good Times - PO Box 465, Summer Hill, NSW 2130.
& - Po Box 1297, North Fitzroy, Vic 3068
A.P.i.T.O. - PO Box 6280, C.Q. Mail Centre, Qld 4702.
Anaesthetic - PO Box 88, Blackwood, SA 5051
Archaic Age - GPO Box 2350, Brisbane, Qld 4001
Are You Normal?- 22 Darvall Rd, Eastwood, NSW 2122.
Asphyxia - PO Box 103, Sandy Bay, Tas 7006.
Astro-gurrl - Helen, PO Box 730, Sutherland, NSW 1499
Astronauts - Jon, PO Box 319, Torrensville Plaza, SA 5031
Australian Music Museum - Chris Spencer, PO Box 5, Golden Square, Vic 3555.
Auto Cannibal - Rene Schaefer, 60 Erskine St, North Melbourne, Vic 3051.

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Bad Turnip Man - PO Box 90, Lockhart, NSW 2656.
BarcodeThe World - PO Box 341 Fivedock, NSW 2046.
Bastard Child - PO Box 509, Gladesville, NSW 2111.
Bean Bag Cows- PO Box 5351, Ncle West, NSW 2302.
Beanz Baxter - PO Box 91, Kalorama, Vic 3766.
Been a teen - Qld. to Melb.
Betty Paginated - PO Box A1412, Sydney South, NSW 1235.
Big Smoke - PO Box 1255, Fitzroy North, 3068, Vic
Big Stack, The - 26 Prospect St, Highgate Hill, Qld 4101.
Biological Hazard - No Fixed Address.
Bizarrism - PO Box k546 Haymarket NSW 1240.
Black Lashes - PO Box 271, Numbucca Heads, NSW 2448
Blacksheep Handbook, The - PO Box 217, Cygnet, Tas 7112.
Blender - Justin Willmer, 160 School Rd, Kallangur, Qld 4503.
Blimey! - 2 Glenbrae Crt. Berwick, Vic 3806
Blind Fanzine - Adrian Bull, 118 Ashley St, Chatswood, NSW 2067
Blob - 42 Luxmoore St. Cheltenham, VIC 3192
Bodgey Zine - PO Box 7, Fitzroy, VIC 3065
Bongo Fury -
Bordello - PO Box 592, Moe, Vic 3825
Born Ugly - 28/150 Healy Rd, Hamilton Hill, WA 6163.
Bourgeoizine - (ex-booger) - Po Box 157, Allawah, NSW 2218.
Bubblehead -
Burbfobic - 1/9 Clark St. Wayville, SA 5045
Burning Times, The - Po Box 425, Clifton Hill Vic 3068.
Bus Stop Requests, The - Wiley Jones, PO Box 107, La Trobe Uni. Vic 3083
Buzz Zine - 6 Moulden St, Speers Point, NSW 2284

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Cantankerous - PO Box 756, Brunswick Lower, Vic 3056.
CatPounce - PO Box 143 Newtown NSW 2042.
Cavity - Tim & Sarah, 84 Dorethy St, WA.
Children of the Resistance (East Timor thru tourist eyes) PO Box 2155, Darwin NT 0801.
Chomp - PO Box 286, Ramsey, Vic 3434
Cigarette Burns - Michael Erceg, 49 Somers St, Belmont, WA 6104.
Circumstantial Evidence - PO Box 295, Bentleigh, Vic 3204
Cope - (also Scrollzine) - Glenn Smith, PO Box 185 Penhurst, NSW 2222.
Coughing Up Legomen - PO Box 530, West Ryde, NSW 2114.
Crap - c/- PO Box 4434, Melb Uni, Parkville, Vic 3052.
Crettins Puddle - PO Box 222, East Brunswick, Vic 3057
Crown of Thorns Magazine - PO Box 600, Annerley, Qld 4103.
C. Talk - 19 Hannah St, Beecroft, NSW 2119.
Curtains Particular - Michelle, PO Box 427 Sutherland, NSW 2232.

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Dark Angel - PO Box 383, Richmond, Vic 3121.
Days of my life - Bilyanna Vujcich, PO Box 2467, Fitzroy MDC, Vic 3065
Dazed & Swarming - PO Box 530 West Ryde NSW 2214.
Deeper Than Inside - 34 Matthews St, Sunshine Vic 3020.
Destroy Tha Planet - Dillusions of Grandeur -PO Box 1418, Fortitude Valley, Qld 4006.
Discontent - 10 Lambert St, Richmond Vic 3121.
DNA - Harry Butler, PO Box 602, North Adelaide, SA 5006
Don't blame me, I just want to play trucks! - PO Box 4434, Melb Uni, Parkville, Vic 3052
Dragon Hurtor - 5 Langridge St, Wanniassa, ACT 2903
Drive/Driven - PO Box 1337, Box Hill, Vic 3128
Duck Fat - PO Box 1297, North Fitzroy, Vic 3068

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Earwax - Po Box B130, Boronia Park, NSW 2111
East Timor Funnies - PO Box 348, Flemington , Vic.
Eddie - Eddie Greenway, PO Box 199, Newtown, NSW 2042.
Egg - PO Box 804, Fortitude Valley, Qld 4006
Egg Before the Chicken Eye, The - PO Box 149, Home Building, Sydney Uneversity, NSW 2006
Extatic - PO Box 505, Rosanna, Vic 3084
Eye - Blatant Propaganda - PO Box 1327, Woden, ACT 2606

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Fall of Because, The - PO Box 14304, Melbourne City Mail Centre, Vic 8001
Fancy A Spot Of Tennis At The Gazebo? - 37 Buckleys Rd, Winston Hills, NSW 2153.
Fearless Fly - 168 Ashford Ave, Milperra, NSW 2214
Feel the World - PO Box 287, Goodwood, SA 5034
Fetish 3 - 18A Oakwood St, Sutherland, NSW 2232
Fibre - 217 Rainbow st, Randwick, NSW 2031
Fingerless Gloves - 84 Dorothy St. Gosnells, WA 6110
Flexible Head - Marnie Dunston, GPO Box G438, Perth, WA 6001
For The Time Being - Michael Tate, 145 Calais Rd, Wembley Downs, WA 6019
Form Guide - PO Box 116, Fitzroy, Vic 3065
Free to a Good Home - Tarsh, 21 Cambrian Ave, Preston, Vic 3072
Freedom Train, Ian McFarlane, PO Box 391, Box Hill, Vic 3128
Fried Trash Tabouli, also-The Cat has 2 Whiskers -PO Box 716 Fortitude Valley Qld, 4006
From the Same Mother - Julian Williams, 60 Cameron St. Brunswick, Vic 3056
Freewill - 42A Beckett Rd, Narre Warren North, Vic 3804
Fuckerfresh - thru Gibber...
Fun Fuel - PO Box 61, Gympie, Qld 4570
Fuzzball - PO Box 408, Chelsea, Vic 3196

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Gas n' Go - 5 Ithaca Close, St John's Park, NSW 2176
Geekgirl - PO Box 759, Newtown, NSW 2042
Gibber - 1st floor, 58 James St, Northbridge WA
Giddy Up! - PO Box 4115, Uni of Melb, Parkville Vic 3052
Girl Patch - Melanie Grogan, PO Box 372, Northbridge, WA 6865
Glamour Preferred -
Gravediggers - PO Box 18, Carlton South, Vic 3053
Grrrr! Zine - The Animal Liberation Youth Group Fanzine
Gulp - 6 Toongabbie Court, Kingsley, WA 6026

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Hairy Zine - PO Box 149, Mornington, Vic 3931.
Happenin Chick - PO Box 1074, Palm Beach Qld. 4221.
Harvy, The - 19 Ellesmere Rd, Mt. Lawley, WA 6050.
Headshots -Po Box 845, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010.
Healthy Body Sick Mind - PO Box 124, Fortitude Valley, Qld 4006
Hello, Hygiene! - - 1 Castlebar Way, Templestowe, Vic 3106
Hip Pocket Sleaze - 2 Glenbrae Crt. Berwick, Vic 3806
Homebrandfanzine - homebrandz@hotmail.com114 Napier St. South Melbourne, Vic 3205

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I Hate Myself and want to Dye (my hair)- Humphrey, Po Box 394, Manly, NSW 2095.
Idiom- 43 Barrack St, Hobart , Tas7000.
In Ya Face - PO Box 199, East Brunswick, Vic 3057.
Inclusion c/- PO Box 388, Oaklands Park, SA 5046.
Infinite - 29 Norm Cres, Knoxfield, Vic 3180.
Instrumentality, The : Journal of the Aust. Sci-Fi Foundation - Po Box 215, Forest Hill, Vic 3131.
IYSK - 4 Anne Rd, Woodend, Vic 3442.

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Jedi Knight - 17 Wylds Rd, Arcadia, NSW 2159.
Just Between Friends - 72 Fern St, Islington, NSW 2296.

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Kaleidoscope - 1st floor East Wing, Quadrangle building,NSW Uni, NSW.
Kaos - PO Box 678, Hamilton, 2303 NSW.
Kill Christ Again - PO Box 503, Newtown, NSW 2042.
Kill The COD - PO Box 291, New Lambton, NSW 2305.
Kill the Real Grrrls - PO Box 331, Lilydale, Vic 3140
Kolonel's Kentucky Fried Kaos, The - Evan, 14 Dunluce Ave, Brighton, SA 5048.
Kool Meow - PO Box 502, Newport, Vic 3015 -
Kulchah Magazine - Shane Starling, Po Box 11, Cannington, WA 6107.
Krudcumber - 42 maitland Rd, Mayfield, NSW 2304.
Kwan - PO Box 237, West Ryde, NSW 2114.

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Lambert & Marcus Teague, PO Box 250, Frankston, Vic 3199
Lazy Comet - 41 Spencer St, Rose Bay, NSW 2029.
Lemon Fresh - PO Box 1094, North Richmond, Vic 3121
Lethargy - PO Box 1192, Parramatta, NSW 2124
Loaded to the gills - PO Box 141, Camperdown, NSW 2050.
Long Gone Loser - PO Box 18, Modbury North, SA 5092
Losergurrl - Jane, Abbie, Verena, Marisa Po Box 808, Spring Hill, Brisbane 4004.

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Magic Void - PO Box 1489, Collingwood, Vic 3066
Maggot Death - GPO Box 2854, Brisbane Qld 4000
Manifesto - PO Box 324, Glebe, NSW 2037
Mark's Beanie - PO Box 295, Bentleigh, Vic 3204
Mavis McKenzie - - PO Box 222 East Brunswick Vic 3057
Maybe She's Born With it - PO Box 7115, Karingal Centre, Vic 3199
Me & My Friends - PO Box 4143, Doncaster Heights, Vic 3109.
Megazeen -
Mess - PO Box 202, North Hobart, Tas 7002
Milk Bar - PO Box 1255, North Fitzroy, Vic 3068
Miraculous Indulgement of the Hairball Goulash, The - 15 Falcon Circuit, Wodonga, Vic 3690.
Misuse - Chris Bieg, PO Box 372, Carlton South, Vic 3053.
Moderate, The - PO Box 76, Greensborough, Vic 3088
Monkey of Woodland Murder - PO Box 486, Edgecliff, NSW 2027
Mongstar - Chris/Jesse/Simon, PO Box 1044, Campbelltown, NSW 2560
Moquette- Alex Kelly, PO Box 662 Wodonga, Vic 3689
Mother Trucker - PO Box 674, Frankston, Vic 3199
Ms. 45 -
Multitude of Metal - c/o 14 Prescott Pl. Avondale Heights, Vic 3034
My Brain Hurts - PO Box 826, Palm Beach, Qld 4221
My Couch is Just Like A Woman, 42 Iluka Ave Aspendale, Vic. 3195
My Life as a Megarich Bombshell - Marisa, PO Box 631, Fortitude Valley, Qld 4006

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Ne plus Ultra - 50 Louise St. Nedlands, WA 6009
Nervous Dandruff - PO Box 7115, Karingal Centre, Vic 3199
Neurophlegmatic - PO Box 1224, Carlton, Vic 3053
New Reality, The - PO Box 2096, Fitzroy MDC, Vic 3065
Newt - PO Box 104, Thirroul, NSW 2515
Nice Gravy -
Ninth Night: A Journal of Black Magic & The Left-Hand Path, The - PO Box 666 Northbridge, NSW 2063
Noisecrash - PO Box 175, Georges Hall, NSW 2198
No World Order - PO Box 199, East Brunswick, Vic 3057

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Obscene - Obzine - 668 Ilkey Rd, Eudlo, Qld 4554
Octarine - PO Box 13 - St Lucia, Qld 4067
Off Kilter - PO BOX 1315, Collingwood, Vic 3066
One - PO Box 2063, Fitzroy MDC, Vic 3065 Open me up - PO Box 1687, Collingwood, Vic 3066
Osmosis - 3/231 King St. Newcastle, NSW 2300
Ouch!!! - PO Box 937, Morley. WA 6943
Outpost - PO Box 3399,
Overdrive - 7 Duraba Place, Caringbah, NSW 2229

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Pandora Journal - PO Box 1090, Carlton, Vic 3053
Pangalia- 12 Flinders St, Matraville, NSW 2036
PDR Zine - PO Box 331, Lilydale, Vic 3140
Peace & Quiet -Guy Blackman, Po Box 4292, Melb Uni, Parkville, Vic 3052
Pearler - Po Box 891, Nth Sydney, NSW 2059.
Pee - by Peter Harding, PO Box 238 marden SA 5070
Penii Zine - 45 Bellevue Rd. Belevue Hill, NSW 2023.
Pig Meat - Nick Potter, PO Box 2064, Fitzroy MDC, Vic 3065.
Pink/Pinkette - PO Box 567, Blackburn, Vic 3130
Pish - 26/919 Botany Rd, Mascot, NSW 2020.
Pivettes - PO Box 237, West Ryde, NSW 2114.
Planet of the Nerds - PO Box 662, Wodonga, Vic 3689.
Pocketfluff - PO Box 143, Newport, Vic 3015.
Poindexter - Luke Marinovich
Poolside - - PO Box 250, Frankston, Vic 3199
Psychobabble - PO Box 1879, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012
Pop Kong - PO Box13, Montville, Qld 4560.
Pornographic and Tragic - 1 Mustang Ave, St. Clair, NSW 2759.
Pornography, Heroin & Government -
Prehistoric Sounds - Ian McFarlane, Po Box 391, Box Hill, Vic 3128.
Primitive Future - c/o 2 Tingira Rd. Blackmans Bay, Tas. 7052
Pungent - Po Box 456, Hamilton, NSW 2303.
Purple Monkey Dishwasher - Eddie Trojan, PO Box 18, Modbury North, SA. 5092
Purple Sneakers - PO Box 120, Fortitude Valley, Qld 4006.
Purr Zine - PO Box 143, Newtown, NSW 2042
Psycho Babble- Vanessa, PO Box 1879, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012.

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Queerzine - Mikol, PO Box199, Newtown, 2042 NSW.
Queerdo - Po Box 530, West Ryde, NSW 2114.

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Radiation from Space - PO Box 178, Warrandyte, Vic 3113.
Ragnorak - PO Box 105, Gosford, NSW 2250.
Rank N File News -
Recorde - PO Box 582, Endeavour Hills, Vic 3082.
Reel Wild Cinema - 2 Glenbrae Court, Berwick, Vic 3806.
Religious Pornography -
Return of the Punk Guy - PO Box 54, Rosebud West, Vic 3940
Rock N Roll Divorce - 18 Rhonda Ave, Willetton WA 6155.
Rodant - Anto, PO Box 65, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068.
Roll 'Em - Isabelle Trolio, Po Box 8150, Subiaco East, WA 6008
Ron zine - RMB 361, Darkes Forest, NSW 2508.

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Salty & Delicious -Guy Blackman, Po Box 4292, Melb Uni, Parkville, Vic 3052.
Sandpit - 387 King Street, Newtown, NSW 2042
Sane - PO Box 55, Surrey Hills, Vic 3127
Schmooze - PO Box 86, Berowra, NSW 2081.
Scrollzine (also Cope) - PO Box 185 Penhurst, NSW 2222.
Seen - Richard, 46 Oleander Avenue, Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153
Seer - PO Box 582, Endeavour Hills, Vic 3802
Seriously - Marcus, PO Box A786, Sydney South, NSW 1235.
Sex, Death & Pizza - PO Box 299, South Fremantle, WA 6162.
Serpent Speech /Thy Raven - 19 Rowland Ave, W/gong, NSW 2500.
Shit of the Bull - PO Box 356, Brunswick, Vic 3056.
Shit on Brisbane - PO Box 405, Hamilton, Qld 4007
Shock To the System - 4/158 Princes Hwy. Fairy Meadow, NSW 2519.
Singular Productions - PO Box 41, West Brunswick, Vic 3055
Skills of Defensive Driving, The - PO Box 384, Manly NSW 2095.
Skintomb - Rod Williams, PO Box 97, Southland Centre, Cheltenham, Vic 3192
Shabby - Nick Corr, PO Box 1247, North Fitzroy, Vic 3068.
Shafts Big Score - 13 Byrnes St, Bexley, NSW 2207.
Shagpile - Nick Corr, Po Box 1247, North Fitzroy, Vic 3068.
Shock to the System - Jo Shock, 4/158 Princes Highway, Fairy Meadow, NSW 2519
Shout Out! - (Conspiracy of Youth) c/o Amnesty International (03) 9427 7055
Slide Show - PO Box 72, Westmead, NSW 2145
Slingshot - PO Box 115, Surrey Hills, NSW 2010
Smitten Kitten - PO Box 1039, Geelong VIC 3220
Smokin' Dog Press - PO Box 1984, Milton B.C. Qld. 4064
Snatch - Suite 4, 1st floor 9 Know st, Chippendale, NSW 2008
Snippet -
Some Underground Machine -simon/rebecca- Po Box 1724, Collingwood, Vic3066.
SPaGazine - Cameron White, Po Box 2063, Fitzroy MDC, Vic 3065.
Spammy - 17 Fermoy ave, Lismore, NSW 2480.
Speakeasy - Box 7, 9 Maroubra Rd. Pagewood, NSW 2035
Spectrum - c/o 346 Chesterville Rd. East Bentleigh, Vic 3156
Spine - 20 McDonald way, Churchill, Vic 3842
Spinechiller - PO Box 463, Moorooka, Qld. 4105
Spiral Objective Zinealogue - PO Box 126, Oaklands Park, SA 5046
Sporadical - vibe tribe multimedia, PO Box 691 Newtown, NSW 2010
Spleen - GPO Box 833, Sydney, NSW 2001.
Splinter - 19 Hannah st, Beecroft, ACT 2119.
Spunk - Po Box 192, Mascot, NSW 2020.
Stix and Thongs - PO Box 389 Commercial Road, Moana, SA 5169
Stoop - 123 Main Road, Glenalta, A 5052
Strawclutch - Eric Wedgwood, Po Box 1601, Lismore, NSW 2480
Stucky Lar - c/o 30 Maple Cres. Ermington, NSW 2115
Substance D - PO Box 91, Fitzroy Vic 3065
Subvert - PO Box 579, Port Melbourne, Vic 3207
Super Evil 4: The Bloodbath - [A One off] by Lance Crossfire, 145 Calais Rd, Wembley Downs, WA 6019
Sure - PO Box 2427, Fitzroy MDC, Vic 3065
Stage Y - Brisbane.
Strife - mad dog acres, Scwebel Lane, Glenorie, NSW 2157
Stuntrider- PO Box 62, Merewether, NSW 2291
Stoop - PO Box 31, Greenwood, WA 6024
Swirl - pheona - PO Box 5107, Cheltenham East, Vic 3192

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Tadpole -PO Box 69 Belmont, NSW 3216
Talk is Cheap - 22 Norfolk Ave Islington, NSW 2296
Tape Crusaders, The - PO Box 356, Brunswick, Vic 3056
Tasmanian Alcoholic - GPO Box 1200 Hobart, Tas 7001
Textbase - PO Box 2057, East Brunswick, Vic 3057
Thirsty And Miserable - PO Box 666, Indooroopilly, Qld 4068
This Siege Mentality - PO Box 668, Broken Hill, NSW 2880
Thunder Pussy - Box 1071 Brighten rd, LPO Elwood Vic 3184
Tractor Ride - PO Box 1301, Carlton, Vic 3053
Trash Confidential - PO Box 171, Milperra, NSW 2214
Trash Junkie - Debbie, Po Box I204, North Fitzroy, Vic 3068
Tribe - PO Box 43, Rosebank, NSW 2480
TMT- Matt Honner, 63 Glenbar Rd, Duncraig, WA 6023
TV War, The Little Dog & Numbered Fame - Duncan, Po Box 2118, Hobart, Tas 7001

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Ugly People -
Ujaku- 16 Mannum St, Vista, SA 5091
Ultra-Violent - Lot 41 Tarata Road, Guanaba, Qld. 4210
United Front - PO Box 376, Stepney, SA 5069
Usual Crap, The - PO Box 65, Clifton Hill, Vic 3068.
Uzurlikzurli - 26/58 King George St. Victoria Park, WA 6100

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Vandal's Voice - Po Box 703, Kensington, NSW 2033.
Vicious Kitten - Denis Gray, GPO Box 20 Canberra, ACT 2601.
Victim Culture- PO Box 341 Fivedock, NSW 2046.
Vincent - Edwina c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville, NSW 2036.

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White-Water Eyepuddles - PO Box 584, Ulverstone, Tas. 7315

Whitehouse, The, Brother Dave, 3 Clifton Crescent, Mt Lawley, W.A. 6050.
Woozy- Po Box 4434, Melb Uni, Parkville, 3052.
Words N Pictures - PO Box 1301 Carlton, Vic 3053.
World Stinks, The - 6/237 Old Farm rd Hamilton East NZ

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Xenography - Ant
Xero Tolerance - Kami, Po Box 666, Mitcham Shopping Centre, Torrens Park, SA 5062.

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Yoghurt - Youthworks, 109 Edward St, Brisbane, Qld 4001.

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Zothique - PO Box 666 Northbridge, NSW 2063

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Broken Pipe
Buzz Box

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The Good Foot - NZ arts

Gusset - NZ arts

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Living A Lie

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The Mosh

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A Slice of Stale Pizza
Spin Spin

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AMP - Po Box 648, Lismore, NSW 2480
Animal City - Christy McMurry c/o Classics Department Adelaide Uni GPO Box 498 Adelaide SA 5001
Anting & Sunburner - 48 Grandview Pde, Caringbah, NSW 2229
Advice from a Caterpillar - Alice Mrongovius, PO Box 348, Flemington, Vic 3031

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Ben - GPO Box 1735, Hobart, Tas 7001
Bean Sprouts - S. Crowley, Po Box 323, Petersham NSW 2049
Beautiful Artform - N. Blanden Po Box 209, Kew East, Vic 3102
Big Fat Spunk Comics - PO Box 1297 North Fitzroy, Vic 3068
Big Smoke - Amber Carvan, PO Box 1255, North Fitzroy, Vic 3068
Black Light Angels - Louise Graber, PO Box 84, Glebe, NSW 2037
Bland - Neale Blanden, Unit 3, 65 Atkinson Street, Chadstone Vic 3148
Blue Dydee Blud/Bac Ba Phi - Tim Danko, PO Box 348, Flemington, Vic 3031 Book - M Wilson, PO Box 519, Templestowe, Vic 3106
Burnt Psycho - Andrew Potts, Po Box 964, Lane Cove, NSW 2066

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Chromozone Comix - T.Neal, Po Box 1316, Chatswood, NSW 2067
Cope - Glen Smith, PO Box 185, Penhurst, NSW 2222
Cruel World - Anton Emdin, 35 clarendon road Stanmore, NSW 2048
Crypto Graphic - Julian Scrivener, 1 St. Canice Ave, Sandy Bay, TAS 7005

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Dex - Tung, P.O. Box 183 Carnegie, Vic
Dog Daze Art - 2 Pavey Crt, Macleod, Vic 2085
Dragon Hurtor 3 - 5 Langridge St. Wanniassa, ACT 2903

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Fastidious Frog - PO Box 249, Yarraville, Vic 3013
Froth/Slug City - Michael Fikaris, PO Box 348, Flemington,Vic 3031

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Geek Overload - Shags, PO Box 1110, Fitzroy North, Vic 3068
Geeen Comics - Ben Hutchings, 5 Langridge St. Wanniassa ACT 2903
Gristle Fern - David Puckeridge, Po Box 68, Mt Druitt, NSW 2770
Groovy Gravy - Brad Daniels, 12 Ponsonby St, Annerly, Qld 4103

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Headspin Comics - Ryan Vella, PO Box 6, Pleystowe, QLD 4741
Hysteria - Peter Jetnikoff, 60 Napier Street, Fitzroy, Victoria 3065

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Inspector Crikey - Tom Priestley, PO BOX 1654 Launceston, Tas
INK - Crazyland, Po Box 194, ANU Canberra, ACT 2601

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Jelly Bean Man - Robert Perrie, PO Box 30, Kippax, Canberra 2615

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Life is Cheap - Tony Single, Po Box, 126 Moorooka, Qld 4105

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Made to be Broken - 18 Rydal Ave. Castle Hill, NSW 2154
Modern Murder - Gerard Ashworth, 7/70 Queenscliff Road, Queenscliff, NSW 2096
Modest Pictures at an Exhibition - 16 Hall St. Brunswick, Vic 3056
Motherwort Anthology/Hula Chick - Nicola Hardy, PO Box 12123, Elizabeth Street, Brisbane, Qld. 4001

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Naff - Joi Heald PO Box 1735, Hobart, Tas 7001
Nice Gravy - Indira, 6/237 Old Farm Rd, Hamilton New Zealand
Negative Geek Comix - PO Box 2591, Adelaide, SA 5001
Neville/Oats Comics - Po Box 1320, Dunedin, New Zealand

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Off Planet - Tom Priestley, 29 Bulwer St, Longford, Tas 7301

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Pantry - PO Box 194 ANU, Acton 2601, ACT 2601
Pop Culture and Two Minute Noodles - Dillon Naylor, 82 Chapel Street St. Kilda, Vic 3182
Pox - PO Box 1298, St Kilda South, Vic 3182
Psychic Twins - Greg MacKay, PO Box 348, Flemington, Vic 3031

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Quickdraw - John Weeks, Po Box 348, Flemington, Vic 3031

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Radiation Sickness - Ross Tesoriero, 14a Lakeview Parade Warriewood, NSW 2102
Radical Sheik - 7-70 Queenscliff Rd, Queencliff, NSW 2096
Rants - David Leeflang, Po Box Kl133 Kings Langley, NSW 2147

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(Sic)Bag Comics - Po Box 266, Mosman Park, WA 6012
Sick Puppy Comix - Stratu, Po Box 93, Paddington, NSW 2021
Smooth - Bize, PO Box 506, Katoomba, NSW 2780
Snark Project, The
Sower Grapes - M. Patterson, 3 Sunbeam Ave, Kograh, NSW 2217
Spastic Monkey Corp. - 1307 Stanley St. East Norman Park Brisbane 4170
S. Carter & A. Rydyr - Po Box 312, Greenacre, NSW 2190
Street Smell - Bruce Mutard, PO Box 2231 North Brighton, Vic 3186
Stunn Gunn - I. Gunn, Po Box 567, Blackburn, Vic 3130
Syndrome - Greg Mackay, C/o Feature Wheel Comic Book Enabler, 53 Hunter St, Malvern Vic 3144

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Tales for the lost generation - GPO Box 901, Adelaide, SA 5001
Tidal Regulator - B. Ridder, 400 Liverpool St, Hobart, Tas 7000
TKO - Martin Boles, Po Box 73, Coburg, Vic 3058
The Beast - Tim Danko, Po Box 348, Flemington, Vic 3031
The Lord of the Clouds - Po Box 207W, West Gosford, NSW 2250
Totally Wicked - T. Walden, Po Box 328 , Carina, Qld 4152
Train of Thought - S. Hale, Po Box 254, Guildford, NSW 2161
Tyson the psychotic Bull-terrier - Po Box 1032, Mordialloc, Vic 3195

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Udon - Jane Sanderson, 1st Floor, 199 Swan St, Richmond, Vic 3121

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Verious - Ben Rider, GPO Box 1735, Hobart Tas 7001
Vomit Guts - Jes, PO Box 2327 Fitzroy MDC, Vic 3065

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Wang - Clint Cure, Po Box 612, South Melb, Vic 3205
Weirdoes World - Troy Mingramm, 48 Granview Parade, Caringbah, NSW 2229
Who Does She Think She is? - Miss Maria, PO Box 3198 Marrickville Metro, NSW 2204
Wide Arsed Mole - Kirrily Schell, PO Box 194, ANU, ACT 2601
Wilnot - Mandy Ord - PO Box 61, Brunswick South, Vic 3055 or PO Box 194, ANU, ACT 2601

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Yell-OLE! - Po Box 2052, Barker, Vic 3122

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[distribution services]

Smitten Kitten Zine Distro - PO Box 1039, Geelong, Vic 3220

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Zines shown in italics are known to be no longer active

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